Hyundai Sonata: Towing / Emergency Towing

If towing is necessary, we recommend you to have it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow truck service.

If towing service is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed using a cable or chain secured to the emergency towing hook at the rear of the vehicle.

Use extreme caution when towing the vehicle with a cable or chain. A driver must be in the vehicle to steer it and operate the brakes.

Towing in this manner may be done only on hard-surfaced roads for a short distance and at low speeds. Also, the wheels, axles, power train, steering and brakes must all be in good condition.

Always follow these emergency towing precautions:


To avoid damage to your vehicle and vehicle components when towing:

If emergency towing is necessary, we recommend having it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow-truck service. Proper lifting and towing procedures are necessary to prevent damage ...


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