Hyundai Sonata LF 2014-2019 Service Manual: Schematic Diagrams
Schematic Diagram
The Canister is filled with charcoal and absorbs evaporated
fuel vapor from the fuel tank. The gathered fuel vapor in canister is
drawn into the intake manifold by the ECM/PCM when appropriate
conditions are set.
Purge Control Solenoid Valve (PCSV)
The Purge ...
Hyundai Sonata LF 2014-2019 Owners Manual: Manual adjustment
Forward and rearward adjustment
To move the seat forward or rearward:
1. Pull up the seat slide adjustment lever and hold it.
2. Slide the seat to the position you desire.
3. Release the lever and make sure the seat is locked in place. Move forward
and rearward without using the lever. If the seat ...